A Reflection And Three Updates


As an engaged to be married Georgia Tech senior, a wise mentor helped me create a vision of what I wanted in my future career. I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I wanted community roots and independence. I think most importantly, I wanted relationships allowing me to help others with something important to them – being a part of delivering something they want.

At Last, an Easier Process


The consequences of taking a risk can develop suddenly. One minute you can be holding a certain hand of cards, and the next minute the whole hand of cards has changed. As I was thinking about how quickly the landscape can change, I thought of a personal example.

We Believe…


We all have a story – and our stories are unique.

Years ago, I was sitting at my conference table with the owners of a successful business. The conversation was around their assets and their family. At some point in conversations like this, the objective is to understand what it is the clients want.

Five Major Trends with Life Insurance for 2021 and Beyond


The future of life insurance will be different than in the past. Over the past 30+ years, we have been in a declining interest rate environment. This means that new money pouring into the insurance companies to be invested has generally earned a lower rate than prior new money that was invested earlier when rates for conservative investments were higher.